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Ted Lesson : How cosmic rays help us understand the universe - Veronica Bindi

Let’s Begin…               
We only know 4% of what the universe is made up of. Can we also know what lies beyond our galaxy ... and  if there are undiscovered forms of matter? Luckily, we have space messengers - cosmic rays - that bring us physical data from parts of the cosmos beyond our reach.
Veronica Bindi explains  what cosmic rays are, and how they transmit information about our universe from the great beyond.             
How to Monitor a Space Experiment: The AMS Control Room.

Prof. Veronica Bindi will bring you inside the AMS Payload and Operation Control Center (POCC) at CERN.
Discover what it takes to control a space experiment on ground!
Dr. Veronica Bindi presents When is the Best Time to Send Astronauts to Mars? to middle school students and teachers.
Middle and high school teachers and students invited!

NASA is currently planning the next phase of human space exploration.
Join us to discuss the journey that takes humankind back to the Moon or all the way to Mars.
With either destination, challenges and opportunities lie in wait - from the dangers of space particles and radiation, to the myriad possibilities of building sustainable and safe communities on distant worlds, to inspiring the creative and scientific minds that will take the next steps forward.

Dr. Veronica Bindi, Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, in collaboration with STEM Pre-Academy, invites you to explore the video modules and activities that will inspire middle and high school teachers and students.

Planets and Astronomy: Why We Want to Go to Mars - Module 1 Part A

Planets and Astronomy: Why We Want to Go to Mars - Module 1 Part B

Planets and Astronomy: Why We Want to Go to Mars - Module 1 Part C

Space Radiation: The Journey to Mars - Module 2
Space Habitats: Living on Mars - Module 3 Part A
Space Habitats: Living on Mars - Module 3 Part B
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