Tom Browder (University of Hawaii)
My research program is the
Belle II experiment
Belle experiment at KEK in Tsukuba,
These experiments study CP Symmetry Violation (Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry)
in the B Meson System
and search for New Physics (NP) beyond the Standard Model.
Belle provided experimental confirmation of Kobayashi and Maskawa's
explanation of CP violation in the weak interaction and was
recognized in the citation
for the
2008 Nobel prize in Physics ,
which was awarded to Kobayashi, Maskawa and Nambu.
In addition, I was Belle II spokesperson (2013-2019)
and was deeply involved in the construction and commissioning
of Belle-II,
at the
KEK Super B factory ,
with first circulating beams February-June 2016.
Belle II roll-in took place in April 2017. First
collisions and the Phase 2 run took place April 26-July 17, 2018
with the first physics run (Phase 3) in April-June of 2019.
SuperKEKB now runs continously in fall and spring.
I am also teaching undergraduate physics courses and supervising
graduate students. I am searching for new graduate students.
Useful Links and Information
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TEB's bookmarks
University of Hawaii contributions to the BELLE experiment
Back to the University of Hawaii High Energy Physics Group
Back to the University of Hawaii Physics Department
A new Monte Carlo Generator for BSM physics in B->K* l+ l- decays
with an application to lepton Universality violation in angular distributions
A. Sibidanov, T. E. Browder, S. Dubey, S. Kohani, R. Mandal,
S. Sandilya, R. Sinha, and S. Vahsen,,
J. High Energ. Phys. 2024, 151 (2024)
Training Deep 3D Convolutional Neural Networks to Extract BSM
Physics Parameters Directly from HEP Data: a Proof-of-Concept Study
Using Monte Carlo Simulations,
S. Dubey, T.E. Browder, S. Kohani,
R. Mandal, A. Sibidanov, R. Sinha,
Belle II Vision for High Energy Physics, US Belle II,
paper submitted to the US National Academy of Sciences
US Belle II Executive Summary for the Snowmass Decadal Survey of
High Energy Physics D. M. Asner et al. (US Belle II), (Proceedings of the 2022 Snowmass
Implications of the Delta A_FB anomaly in B->D*+ l- nu using a new
Monte Carlo Event Generator
Bhubanjyoti Bhattacharya, Thomas E Browder, Quinn Campagna, Alakabha
Datta, Shawn Dubey, Lopamudra Mukherjee, Alexei Sibidanov,, Phys. Rev. D 107, 015011 (2023)
A New Tool to search for physics beyond the Standard Model in B->D*+ l- nu
Bhubanjyoti Bhattacharya, Thomas E Browder, Quinn Campagna, Alakabha
Datta, Shawn Dubey, Lopamudra Mukherjee, Alexei Sibidanov, , submitted to the
2022 Snowmass Workshop but will not be published in the Proceedings.
Impact of B->K nu nubar measurements on beyond the Standard Model
Thomas E Browder, Nilendra G. Deshpande, Rusa Mandal and Rahul Sinha,
Phys. Rev. D. 104, 053007 (2021)
Search for B_s^0 -->eta' X_s sbar at Belle Using a
Semi-Inclusive Method , S. Dubey, T. E. Browder et al. (Belle
collaboration), Phys. Rev. D 104, 012007 (2021)
Detectors for Extreme Luminosity: Belle II
published as Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research
A 907, 46 (2018)
(I. Adachi, T. E. Browder, P. Krizan, S. Tanaka and Y. Ushiroda)
Signal of right-handed currents using B->K*l+l- observables
at the kinematic endpoint
arXiv:1603.04355, published as Physical
Review D 95, 114006 (2017)
(A. Karan, R. Mandal, A. K. Nayak, R. Sinha and T. E. Browder)
Report of the Quark Flavor Working Group
(J. N. Butler et al., arXiv:1311.1076)
Heavy quark physics contribution to Snowmass Proceedings
Physics Achievements of the Belle Experiment
J. Brodzicka, T.E. Browder, K. Trabelsi et al.,
ArXiv:1212.5342, 119 pages, published in Progress in Theoretical
and Experimental Physics (PTEP) by Oxford University Press.
First Observation of Radiative B->phi K^0 \gamma Decays and
Measurements of their Time-Dependent CP Violation
H. Sahoo, T.E. Browder et al. (The Belle collaboration),
published in Physical Review D Rapid Communications
84, 071101 (2011).
First Measurement of Inclusive B -> X_s eta Decays
K. Nishimura, T.E. Browder et al. (The Belle collaboration),
Phys. Rev. Letters 105, 191803 (2010).
Measurements of time-dependent CP violation in B0 -> psi(2S) KS
decays, H. Sahoo, T.E. Browder, K. Trabelsi et al.
(The Belle collaboration),
published in PRD(R) 77, 091103 (2008) (arXiv:0708.2604[hep-ex])
The Status of the KEK Super B Factory
T.E. Browder (Published in the Proceedings of the
2nd Capri Workshop on Theory, Phenomenology and Experiments in Heavy
Flavour Physics)
New Physics at a Super Flavor Factory
T.E. Browder, T. Gershon, D. Pirjol, A. Soni and J. Zupan,
hep-ph/0802.3201 (published in Reviews of Modern Physics, vol 81, 2009)
On the Physics Case of a Super Flavour Factory
T.E. Browder, M. Ciuchini, T. Gershon, M. Hazumi, T. Hurth,
Y. Okada, A. Stocchi, hep-ph/0710.3799; published as JHEP0802: 110 (2008)
Accurate Measurements of the D^0-D^0bar Mixing Parameters
N. Sinha, R. Sinha,
T.E. Browder, N. G. Deshpande and S. Pakvasa, hep-ph/0708.0454, published
as Phys. Rev. Lett. 99: 262002 (2007)
Why a Super B Factory is needed T.E. Browder, Proceedings
of the 1st Capri Workshop on Theory, Phenemonology and Experiments
in Heavy Flavor Physics (2006); published in Nucl. Phys. Proc.
Suppl. 163: 198 (2007)
Two topics in rare B decay T.E. Browder, Proceedings
of the 1st Capri Workshop on Theory, Phenemonology and Experiments
in Heavy Flavor Physics (2006); published in
Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 163: 117 (2007).
Search for the h_c meson in B^+ ->h_c K^+
F. Fang, T.E. Browder et al. (Belle Collaboration), hep-ex/0605007,
published in Physical Review D 74, 012007 (2006).
Search for New Physics at a Super B-factory
T.E. Browder and A. Soni, hep-ph/0410192,
published in Pramana 63, 1171-1194 (2004).
Prospects for Pentaquark Production at Meson Factories
T.E. Browder, I. Klebanov and D. Marlow, hep-ph/0401115,
Phys. Lett. B 587, 62 (2004).
Results on the CKM angle phi_1/beta T.E. Browder, hep-ex/0312024,
published in Proceedings of the 2003 Lepton-Photon Symposium,
World Scientific (2004).
Establishment of CP Violation in the B system
T.E. Browder and R. Faccini,
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science, Vol 53, p 353-386 (2003).
Experimental Summary of the FPCP03 (Flavor Physics and CP
Violation) Conference, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, FRANCE, June 2003.
T.E. Browder, To appear in the Proceedings
Measurement of Branching Fraction Ratios and CP Asymmetries
in B+- ->D_CP K^+- S.K. Swain, T.E. Browder et al. (Belle Collaboration)
hep-ex/0304032, published in PRD 68, 051101 (2003)
Comment on the new D_s^{(*)} pi^0 Resonances T.E. Browder, A
Petrov, S. Pakvasa, hep-ph/0307054, Phys. Lett. B 578, 365 (2004)
Rare Decays T.E. Browder, Proceedings of the SLAC Summer Institute,
Stanford, CA (2002).
Results on sin 2 phi_1 (alpha) from the B Factories
T.E. Browder, Proceedings of the XXII Physics
in Collision Conference, Stanford, CA (2002). Also
available as SLAC-R-607
Measurement of the B0-B0bar Mixing Rate with
B0(B0bar)-->D*+ pi- partial reconstruction
(by Y. H. Zheng, T.E. Browder et al (Belle Collaboration),
hep-ex/0211065, Phys. Rev. D 67, 092004 (2003))
Measurement of B+->eta_c K^(*) Branching Fractions
by F. Fang, T. Hojo, T.E. Browder and M. Hazumi (Belle
Collaboration), hep-ex/0208047, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 071801 (2003))
Observation of B+->p pbar K+
by T.E. Browder, F. Fang, C.H Huang, M.Z. Wang (Belle
Collaboration), published in
Phys. Rev. Lett. 88: 181803 (2002))
Results on CP Violation from Belle,
by T. E. Browder, hep-ex/0112026, published in
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Heavy Flavor
Physics, AIP 2001
Physics at the B Factories, hep-ex/0112027 by T. E. Browder,
published in
Proceedings of from the Smallest to the Largest Distances,
held in Moscow, Russia, May 2001, in Surveys of High
Energy Physics published by Gordon and Breach
Measuring beta in B ---> D(*)+ D(*)- K(S) Decays.
by T.E. Browder, A. Datta, P.J. O'Donnell, S. Pakvasa.
UH-511-930-99, hep-ph/9905425 (Published in Phys. Rev. D. 61, 054009)
Summary of KEK-B Commissioning
(by K. Oide et al)
Observation of High Momentum B->eta' Decays
(by T.E. Browder and Y. Li, hep-ex/9804018, published in
Phys. Rev. Lett. 81: 1786 (1998))
Hadronic B Decays
(by T.E. Browder, UH-511-890-97, Published in Proceedings
of the 1997 Santa Barbara Heavy Flavors Workshop)
Overview of the Workshop on Backgrounds
at the Machine-Detector Interface
(by T.E. Browder and S. K. Sahu, Proceedings
of the 1997 Hawaii Workshop on Backgrounds at the Machine-Detector Interface)
Proceedings of the 2nd
Workshop on Backgrounds at the Machine-Detector Interface
(Edited by T.E. Browder and S. K. Sahu, published by World Scientific)
Observation of Quasi-Inclusive B->eta' X_s
Decays. (by T.E. Browder, Y. Li, (CLEO Collaboration), CLEO CONF 97-13,
now published in Phys. Rev. Lett 81:1786 (1998))
CP Violation in Quasi-Inclusive B->K(*) X Decay
(by T.E. Browder, A. Datta, X-G. He, and S. Pakavasa,
Physical Review D 57, 6828 (1998).)
Search for b->s gluon from Inclusive B Decays to Etaprime and Ks.
(CLEO CONF 96-18, by F. Li, Y. Li and
T.E. Browder, submitted to the Warsaw ICHEP and DPF Conferences)
Measurement of B->phi X
(CLEO CONF 95-3, by T.E. Browder, submitted to the EPS and LEPTON-PHOTON Conferences)
Search for B->phi X_s from b->s gluon transitions
(CLEO CONF 95-8, by T.E. Browder and T. Skwarnicki, submitted to the EPS and LEPTON-PHOTON Conferences)
B Mesons: Review of B Physics
(Published in Vol 35. of Progress in Nuclear and Particle Physics)
(by T.E. Browder and K. Honscheid)
Hadronic Decays and Lifetimes of B and D
Hadrons (UH-511-857-96,
Proceedings of the 1996 ICHEP Conference in Warsaw, World
Scientific.) (by T.E. Browder)
Results on QCD from the CLEO II
Experiment (UH-511-862-96, Proceedings of the
1996 ICHEP Conference in Warsaw, World Scientific.) (by T.E. Browder)
Hadronic Decays of B Mesons
(UH-511-863-96, Proceedings of
the IInd International Conference on Radiative Corrections in Cracow, Poland)
(by T.E. Browder)
B Factories and New Ideas for CP Violation
(Proceedings of WHEPP4 Conference in Calcutta, India)
(by T.E. Browder)
Rare and Hadronic
B Decays (UH-511-836-95,
Proceedings of the 1995 Brussels Europhysics Conference)
(by T.E. Browder)
Lifetimes and Hadronic
Decays of Charm and Beauty Hadrons
(UH-515-848-96, published in the 1996 Edition of Annual Review of Nuclear and
Particle Science) (by T.E. Browder, K. Honscheid and D. Pedrini)
Exclusive Hadronic B Decays to Charm and Charmonium Final States
published as M. S. Alam et al., PRD 50, 43, (1994);
(by T.E. Browder, K. Honscheid, J. Rodriguez et al)
Observation of $D^0\to K^+\pi^-$
published as D. Cinabro et al, PRL 72, 1406 (1994);
(by T. E. Browder, T. Liu, H. Yamamoto et al)
B_s mixing and |V_ts/V_td|
(by T.E. Browder and S. Pakvasa, PRD 52, 3123, 1995)
Experimental Implications of CP Violation
and Large FSI in the Search for D0-D0bar Mixing
(by T.E. Browder and S. Pakvasa, PLB 383, 475 (1996).)
Search for the $eta_c^{'}$ in
2 Photon Processes
(by T. Barnes, T.E. Browder and S.F. Tuan, PLB 385, 391 (1996).)
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