Tom Browder (University of Hawaii)

My research program is the Belle II experiment and Belle experiment at KEK in Tsukuba, JAPAN.
These experiments study CP Symmetry Violation (Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry) in the B Meson System and search for New Physics (NP) beyond the Standard Model. Belle provided experimental confirmation of Kobayashi and Maskawa's explanation of CP violation in the weak interaction and was recognized in the citation for the 2008 Nobel prize in Physics , which was awarded to Kobayashi, Maskawa and Nambu. In addition, I was Belle II spokesperson (2013-2019) and was deeply involved in the construction and commissioning of Belle-II, at the KEK Super B factory , with first circulating beams February-June 2016. Belle II roll-in took place in April 2017. First collisions and the Phase 2 run took place April 26-July 17, 2018 with the first physics run (Phase 3) in April-June of 2019. SuperKEKB now runs continously in fall and spring. I am also teaching undergraduate physics courses and supervising graduate students. I am searching for new graduate students.

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