Agenda for AAP2012


Thursday  4 October 2012,


0800-0900     Registration and Coffee


Introduction and Overview:

0900-0925     Welcome, Organization John Learned (UH)

0930-1000     Overview of Anti-Neutrino Detection, Challenges Thierry Laserre (Saclay)

1005-1035     Relation to Non-Proliferation and IAEA Adam Bernstein (LLNL)

1035-1100     Break

1100-1130     Summary of Theta_13 Measurements and Prospects [pptx] Jelena Maricic (UH)


Projects and Technology:

1135-1205     Nucifer Matthieu Vivier (CEA-Saclay)

1210-1240     SONGS David Reyna (Sandia)

1245-1340     Lunch, cafeteria


1340-1420     Watchman Steven Dazeley (LLNL)

1425-1455     Angra, Brazil Joao Anjos (CBPF Brazil)

1500-1530     KASKA Prototype Fumihiko Suekane (RCNS)

1530-1600     Break

1600-1630     PANDA [pptx] Yasuhiro Kuroda (Tokyo)

1635-1705     CORMORAD Marco Battaglieri (INFN, Genoa)

1710-1740     T2K Technology for Reactor Monitoring Jonathan Coleman (Liverpool)

1740-1800     Gadzooks! Mark Vagins (UCI)

1800 Adjourn

1800 - 2100 Cocktails and Dinner at EWC (downstairs)



Friday 5 October 2012

0800-0900     Coffee and muffins

0900-0935     miniTimeCube John Learned (UH)

0940-1020     LAPPD Electronics Gary Varner (UH)

1020-1050     Break

1050-1130     New Scintillators and Dopants Minfang Yeh (BNL)


Reactor neutrino flux calculations and Sterile Neutrinos

1135-1205     Predictions of Reactor Neutrino Spectra: David L'Huillier (CEA-Saclay)

1210-1240     Reactor Neutrino Fluxes: Patrick Huber (VPI)

1240-1340     Lunch at cafeteria


1340-1410     Reactor Neutrino Anomaly Revisited Anna Hayes (LANL)

1415-1445     Sterile Neutrino Fits to Global Data Christina Ignarra (MIT)

1450-1530     Geoneutrinos: progress and challenges Steve Dye (UH and HPU)

1530-1600     Break

1600-1630     Nuebar Directionality Measurements Erica Caden (Drexel)

1635-1705     Long distance reactor monitoring studies: see paper Glenn Jocher/Chris Mulliss (IAI)

1710-1730     Summary and Outlook Adam Bernstein (LLNL)

1730 Conclude

1800 -?? Party (John's House)



Last updated October 5st, 2012