ID Lab Tasks and Scheduling

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Scheduling Committee Members

 Matt Andrew, Martin Bessner, Jon Itokazu, Chris Ketter, Makiko Kuwahara
Ethan Lee, Richard Peschke, Harsh Purwar, Shivang Tripathi, Gary Varner, Charles White

Lab members: who is doing what in previous years (2010)  (2011)  (2012)  (2016)

IDL Overview [ASIC-centric] [link]

Current [Google Calendar]
IDLAB Group Schedules []
Regular meeting time:  Mondays at 1:30pm

Week of March 20, 2023  Schedule items/meetings -

Scheduling items:    Meetings (weekly or this week):
  1. Meetings needing rescheduling:
    1. XRM local  [Matt] 
  2. Monday
    1. APT global call [webpage] (7am) "super'CURRENTSATELLITE'$!"
    2. EIC PID/CORE (8am)
    3. US Belle II PI (9:30 am)
    4. PUEO Collaboration (11 am) 
    5. Weekly IDL T&S meeting [all hands] (1:30 pm)
    6. ALPHA/APT [Makiko, Richard, Aera] (2 pm)
    7. HMBv3 [Ethan, Shivang] (3pm)
  3. Tuesday 
    1. Q-Pix Global/ASIC-specific meeting [Hershel, Shahab] (8 am)
    2. PHYS476 Lecture (10:30 - 11:45 am)
    3. HEPG Journal (3pm)
    4. KLM Firmware Gemba  (4 pm)
  4. Wednesday
    1. Analysis student meeting [Chris] (10 am)
    2.  Joint ASIC meeting [Gary] (11 am)
    3. ASIC student meeting [Jon] (11 am)
    4. DAQ upgrade for Belle II  [Harsh, Shahab]  (1:30pm)
    5. iTOP Global meeting (2-3:30ishpm)
    6. modRICH / EIC ASIC[Mudit, Shivang] (3:30pm)
  5. Thursday  

    1. PHYS476 Lecture (10:30 - 11:45 am)
    2. Dept. Colloquium (3:30pm)
  6. Friday    
    1. ASIC student meeting [Charles] (8:30 am)
    2. PUEO Engineering (9 am)
    3. local PUEO Engineering (10 am)

    4. iTOP Firmware Gemba (1:30 pm)
    5. Belle/Belle II analysis meeting (2 - 3:30pm)

Ongoing Projects (without specific meeting times)

Recent Archive:

TARGETX testing Talking points slides  [link]
Lab intro [Sept 2015]  (Gary)  [PDF]

Lab intro [May 2014]  (Gary)  [PDF]
Snowmass (facilities)  [link]

iTOP readout module electro-mechanical review (March 20 - 21, 2013)
First ESTB meeting @ SLAC

Lab intro [May 2012]  (Gary)  [PDF]
For fun:  Belle archival pictures
Nichibei JFY2011 (via PNNL) delivery documentation
Lab intro [Oct 2011]  (Gary)  [PDF]
Detector R&D in the ID Lab [Oct 2011]  (Gary)  [PDF]
Belle II Trigger/DAQ Workshop (Hawaii)  Jan 16-18, 2012  [link]
Lab extended presentation [May 2011]  (Gary)  [PDF]
ID Lab Personnel meeting (Friday, [May] the 13th, 2011), end of semester party!   [PDF]   (from 4:00pm)
Lab Party!  (15-DEC-2010):  presentation  [PDF]


[IDL Blog]    [ASICs]   [PCBs table]   [CAD_Models & Drawings]   [wordpress PCBs]   [SeaMonkey]    [Space Request forms:  doc  pdf]

[Lab Safety:  (hazards/chemical)]

S-parameter References:  [old]  [new]

svn (subversion) how-to  [link]

Archived pages:    [link]

Outdated pages  (not current)   Punch list by Project  Current overview schedule   News list  Action items capture   Purchasing/hot-topics (archived @ week):  [link]
[UH Physics] [University of Hawaii] [GSV]  [Physics Department phone]   [A&S phone numbers]
  [coffee club instructions]   [coffee club spreadsheet]

Last modified: 3/21/2023 -- GSV